About Me
Michael Buckland-Nicks is a Masters student in the Applied Science program at Saint Mary€™s University. He has a background in biology and has a passion for mapping, visualizing, and communicating data. In his undergraduate degree at Saint Mary€™s University, Michael did an honours research project that used Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to build a 3D model of a green roof and its surrounding buildings on the university campus to map plant growth and environmental conditions such as shading by the buildings. Following his interests in GIS and plant ecology, he continued his pursuit of mapping the environment by beginning a Masters research project in the Fall of 2015. His research will use an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) to map plant communities at the fine scale for three coastal barrens sites in the Halifax region of Nova Scotia. He hopes that his research will reveal important landscape patterns in these ecosystems, helping researchers and conservation planners to better predict and locate species and communities of interest across large areas.
Award Type
Awarded By
Saint Mary's University
Awarded By
Saint Mary's University
2016 Type
Recipients of the Esri Canada GIS Scholarship, Esri Canada Higher Education GIS Award and Esri Young Scholars Award in Canada
Recipients of the Esri Canada GIS Scholarship
Recipients of the Esri Canada GIS Scholarship and Esri Canada Higher Education GIS Award in 2016

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