Esri Canada GIS Scholarships
Through our GIS Scholarships program, Esri Canada is proud to recognize Canadian post-secondary institutions that deliver strong, multidisciplinary GIS courses and programs. Students from 60 colleges and universities across the country are eligible for grants through this program. It provides recipients with great networking opportunities, funding and access to extensive GIS resources including Esri software, books and training to develop their GIS skills and knowledge.
Esri Young Scholars Award in Canada
The Esri Young Scholars Award program was launched in 2012 to recognize the exemplary work in geospatial sciences of undergraduate and graduate students at universities around the world. It is offered by Esri in cooperation with its international distributors.
In past years, the award has included registration, transportation costs, hotel and per diem to attend the Education Summit @ Esri UC and Esri User Conference in San Diego where the Young Scholars display their work and interact with other Young Scholars.