In my own words...
Winning the scholarship has helped deliver my work to a broader audience and ensured that I can continue to explore and solve geographic problems well into future. The access to online courses and permanent licence of ArcGIS software will be invaluable tools to my research moving forward. The copy of Python Scripting for ArcGIS I received, specifically, will help me further automate my approach to delineating terrain regions.
Esri Young Scholar
Honourable Mention
2015 Type
Recipients of the Esri Canada GIS Scholarship, Esri Canada Higher Education GIS Award and Esri Young Scholars Award in Canada
Recipients of the Esri Canada GIS Scholarship
Winners of the Esri Young Scholars Award in Canada and Honourable Mentions
Recipients of the Esri Canada GIS Scholarship and Esri Canada Higher Education GIS Award in 2015
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