Award Type
About Me
I graduated from Université de Montréal in Urban Planning in 2014. Since then, I have been working for different boroughs of the city of Montreal. Working for municipal administrations made me realised how important and how useful GIS could be when you work with huge amount of data. Especially when it comes to simplify and be able to communicate specific and technical information to the public. Because I am also really interested in everything related to transportation logistic, urban data collection and geospatial data communication (webmapping), I decided to do a certificate in GIS at UQAM. This diploma is helping me a lot to expand my skills in programming which I want to use to desing personalized applications and tools within GIS softwares like ArcGIS. Developing tools that can facilitate the understanding and planning of our urban environment is what motivates me and is central to my research.
Awarded By
Université du Québec à Montréal
In my own words...
I am extremely grateful to have received this scholarship from Esri Canada! Now with these tools in my hand, I will be able to pursue personal projects beyond my temporary ArcGIS licence offered by my university. Also, the advanced classes offered by Esri and the ArcGIS Online subscription will give me the opportunity to pursue my newest interest, WEB GIS!
Awarded By
Université du Québec à Montréal
2016 Type
Recipients of the Esri Canada GIS Scholarship, Esri Canada Higher Education GIS Award and Esri Young Scholars Award in Canada
Recipients of the Esri Canada GIS Scholarship
Recipients of the Esri Canada GIS Scholarship and Esri Canada Higher Education GIS Award in 2016

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