Award Type
GIS Ambassador
About Me

Strong entrepreneurship professional with a Bachelor's degree focused in Civil Engineering from Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo (UASD); an MEng in Operational Applications of Drones in Engineering at Universidad Isabel I, Spain; an MEng in Smart Mobility at the Universidad Alfonso X El Sabio, Spain; and starting a MASc on transportation at York University, Canada.

CEO of Civilgineering Podcast (Ingeniería Wawawa today) since 2016 and @MalParqueao_RD, the first Dominican platform for reporting illegal parking on public spaces since 2019.

Since 2014, I’ve been working to promote road safety, sustainable mobility and bike inclusion in urban planning strategies and policies. We’ve gotten so far as we built the first segregated bike path in Santo Domingo, promoted sustainable mobility through activities each year and established the first checkpoint of child restraint systems nationally.

In 2020, before and during the pandemic, as part of Huella Verde, I made a bike trip around my country to deliver the message of the problems involving single-use plastic products and pollution as a whole.

I started a MASc at York University in 2021. So far, I've accomplished great things: Teaching Assistant (TA), Research Assistant (RA) as a transportation engineer at YURide, Chief Councillor of Lassonde at the York University's Graduate Student Association (YUGSA), Events Coordinator at the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) York U Student Chapter, and Councillor at the Civil Engineering Graduate Students Association (CEGSA).

Story Map URL
Graduation Year
Looking for work
MASc Civil Engineering, Transportation
MSc Operational Applications of Drones in Engineering
MEng Smart Mobility
B.S.E. Civil Engineering
Awarded By
York University
Awarded By
York University
2022 Type
Recipients of the Esri Canada GIS Scholarship, Esri Canada Higher Education GIS Award and Esri Young Scholars Award in Canada
Recipients of the Esri Canada GIS Scholarship
Recipients of the Esri Canada GIS Scholarship and Esri Canada Higher Education GIS Award in 2022

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