Type de prix
Accordé par
University of British Columbia
Dans mes mots...
Winning an Esri Canada Scholarship has provided access to software, training and resources that have already strengthened my ability to carry out and share spatial analysis.  As a PhD student seriously considering a career in the non-profit and development sectors and currently busy with research abroad, it would have been difficult to find the time and resources to build these skills without the Esri Scholarship.  Access to ArcGIS Online and the Open Data capabilities have been especially promising options for applying spatial analysis and visualization solutions to global challenges.
Accordé par
University of British Columbia
2014 Type
Récipiendaires de la bourse d'études en SIG d'Esri Canada SIG, du prix d'excellence en SIG en études supérieures d'Esri Canada et du prix Esri You...
Récipiendaires de la bourse d'études en SIG d'Esri Canada
Récipiendaires de la bourse d'études en SIG d'Esri Canada et du prix d'excellence en SIG en études supérieurs d'Esri Canada en 2014

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