Type de prix
Esri Young Scholar
Prix multiples
2015 Scholarship - University of Ottawa
2017 Esri Young Scholar Award Winner
Accordé par
University of Ottawa
Titre de l'affiche
ArcGIS and Malaria: Evaluating Environmental Effects on Mosquito Distribution in Tanzania using GIS, Remote Sensing and Python
Dans mes mots...
Winning the Esri Canada GIS scholarship has given me an extra boost with my own research in a challenging field. With very little occurrence records to work with for a variety of disease vectors, and particularly for mosquitoes that transmit the most debilitating and far-reaching disease on the planet, I hope that this is the beginning of bringing attention to the increasing need for proper data collection and analysis for malaria vectors and other vector species. This project was the most difficult I have yet attempted and I am honoured and grateful for receiving the Esri Canada GIS scholarship for it.
Inscrit à
University of British Columbia
Affiche (jpg)
Accordé par
University of Ottawa
2015 Type
Récipiendaires de la bourse d'études en SIG d'Esri Canada SIG, du prix d'excellence en SIG en études supérieures d'Esri Canada et du prix Esri You...
Récipiendaires de la bourse d'études en SIG d'Esri Canada
Lauréats du prix Esri Young Scholars au Canada et mentions honorables
Récipiendaires de la bourse d'études en SIG d'Esri Canada et du prix d'excellence en SIG en études supérieures d'Esri Canada en 2015

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