Type de prix
Accordé par
University of Saskatchewan
Dans mes mots...
The GIS scholarship from Esri Canada help me improved my spatial analysis skills and programming skills for my own research in the field of grassland remote sensing. The help from this scholarship mainly lies in three specific fields of my research. The first one is the results I presented in the poster, which is using GIS modeling to classify green grass, dead material and bare soil from field taken pictures in different 50 cm * 50 cm quadrats. The second and third research projects are using R-ArcGIS Bridge programming using both R and python. The second one is using time-series analysis with the help of R-ArcGIS Bridge to evaluate the influences and efficiency of conservation action in the mixed grasslands. The third one is to use data fusion and phenology based on R-ArcGIS Bridge to classify crested wheat grass, a type of invasive species in Canadian prairie.
Accordé par
University of Saskatchewan
2016 Type
Récipiendaires de la bourse d'études en SIG d'Esri Canada SIG, du prix d'excellence en SIG en études supérieures d'Esri Canada et du prix Esri You...
Récipiendaires de la bourse d'études en SIG d'Esri Canada
Récipiendaires de la bourse d'études en SIG d'Esri Canada et du prix d'excellence en SIG en études supérieures d'Esri Canada en 2016

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