Type de prix
Accordé par
Dalhousie University
Dans mes mots...
I have always been reliant on the organizations I have worked for and the institutions I have attended to provide me with access to Esri software. A permanent copy on my home computer has given me the freedom to explore the software and refine the skills I have obtained through my GIS courses taken at the University of Toronto and Dalhousie University. As I finish my second year of my graduate program at Dalhousie, having a permanent copy of Esri software has allowed me to pursue research and continue working on unfinished projects. The Spatial and 3D Analyst extensions are instrumental to my research over the coming year as I assess and visualize sea level rise, flooding, and associated vulnerabilities along the waterfronts of Halifax Regional Municipality. Learning new GIS skills and having access to Esri software for a year has better prepared me for the workforce and has kept my GIS skills up-to-date.
Accordé par
Dalhousie University
2016 Type
Récipiendaires de la bourse d'études en SIG d'Esri Canada SIG, du prix d'excellence en SIG en études supérieures d'Esri Canada et du prix Esri You...
Récipiendaires de la bourse d'études en SIG d'Esri Canada
Récipiendaires de la bourse d'études en SIG d'Esri Canada et du prix d'excellence en SIG en études supérieures d'Esri Canada en 2016

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