Type de prix
Accordé par
Carleton University
Dans mes mots...
The scholarship has not only encouraged me to pursue more research at and undergraduate level, but has also given me the opportunity to work with different professors from different fields. The project prepared for this award delved into feature space and associating sampled data points (permafrost boreholes) by similarity rather than by geographic distance. The scholarship allowed me to participate in an active research project with a new lab and allowed me to develop my skills in GIS and Python scripting. I am very grateful for the scholarship as it drives students to explore new methods and solutions in GIS. I am also thankful for the training and networking opportunities, as well as the software offered.
Accordé par
Carleton University
2016 Type
Récipiendaires de la bourse d'études en SIG d'Esri Canada SIG, du prix d'excellence en SIG en études supérieures d'Esri Canada et du prix Esri You...
Récipiendaires de la bourse d'études en SIG d'Esri Canada
Récipiendaires de la bourse d'études en SIG d'Esri Canada et du prix d'excellence en SIG en études supérieures d'Esri Canada en 2016

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